# Example with database
This example shows you how to use our ftp server with the help of the DenoDB (opens new window) module.
# Import
To begin we will initially import the "createDb" function which will allow us to create a database and the "Users" model in addition to the imports mentioned above.
import { verify, Model } from "https://deno.land/x/dftps/deps.ts";
import createDb from "https://deno.land/x/dftps/src/db/mod.ts";
import Users from "https://deno.land/x/dftps/src/db/Users.ts";
# Database options
Only the following database types are supported: "MariaDB" | "MongoDB" | "MySQL" | "PostgreSQL" | "SQLite"
- Maria, MySQL, PostgreSQL Options
- database [string] (Required)
- host [string] (Required)
- username [string] (Required)
- password [string] (Required)
- port [number] (Optional)
- MongoDB Options
- uri [string] (Required)
- database [string] (Required)
- SQLite Options
- filepath [string] (Required)
/** Example with MongoDB */
await createDb({
connector: "MongoDB",
uri: 'mongodb://',
database: 'test'
# Server options
Then we just need to create an instance of Server with these options described below.
const serve = new Server({ port: 21, hostname: "" });
# Await connection
All we have to do is wait for a new connection and check the veracity of it using the authentication tools (awaitUsername, awaitLogin) as well as the database api.
for await (const connection of serve) {
const { awaitUsername, awaitLogin } = connection;
let user: Model;
/** Waiting to receiving username from connection */
awaitUsername.then(({ username, resolveUsername }: UsernameResolvable) => {
/** Find user in database */
const found = await Users.where('username', username).get();
if ((found instanceof Array && found.length === 0) || !found) return resolveUsername.reject("Incorrect username!");
user = (found instanceof Array) ? found[0] : found;
/** Waiting to receiving password from connection and finalize the user authenticate */
awaitLogin.then(async ({ password, resolvePassword }: LoginResolvable) => {
if (!user) return resolvePassword.reject("User not found!");
if (! await verify(password, (user.password as string))) return resolvePassword.reject("Wrong password!");
const { root, uid, gid } = user;
resolvePassword.resolve({ root: (root as string), uid: (uid as number), gid: (gid as number) });